Gum Graft Healing – 5 Tips for a Fast and Easy Post-Gum Graft Recovery
Healthy gum tissue is essential to oral health in Los Angeles. After all, it's the city that is home to Hollywood's biggest stars, who need to look their best on and off camera. Our gums help hold our teeth in place and protect the roots from trauma and bacteria....
The Truth About How You May Be Causing Your Gum Recession
If you've noticed that your teeth somehow look longer or your gum line has become uneven, you may be suffering from a common problem called gum recession, or gingival recession. The gums, also known as gingival tissue, are supposed to firmly surround the lower portion...
6 Tips for a Healthy Smile That Lasts
As the fall season changes the world around us, it’s easy to think about how our bodies are affected by time and age. As such, this season should also be a time for reflecting on the changes we all experience with age. Considering how intrinsically linked our oral...
So You Have Gum Disease – Now What?
One out of every two American adults over the age of 30 is suffering from some form of periodontal (gum) disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That means that half of the population will require some form of gum disease treatment...
5 Ways You’re Increasing Your Risk for Dry Socket
Overcrowding, cavities, trauma, gum disease, and impacted wisdom teeth are just some of the reasons that tooth extractions are an unfortunate but often necessary part of many dental visits. While the extraction procedure is typically very simple, the healing process...
Top 8 Ways You’re Causing Your Gums to Recede
One of the most visible signs of poor dental hygiene, trauma, or periodontal disease is a receding gum line. While many people want to correct their uneven, unattractive gum lines for cosmetic reasons, gum recession is a sign that your smile is at risk for serious,...
Secondhand Smoke Increases Risks of Gum Disease
By now, it may be common knowledge that being in the presence of someone smoking cigarettes can increase the risk of health conditions like cancer, but did you know that secondhand smoke can even threaten your oral health? Researchers have found that exposure to...
Is Gum Disease Linked to Alzheimer’s in Older Adults?
In the past few years, researchers have been uncovering more and more details about the link between oral diseases and other health issues. Researchers from the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) School of Medicine and Dentistry in the United Kingdom recently...
How Contagious is Oral Bacteria?
Gingivitis and periodontal disease are rampant among children and adults throughout the United States, and the culprit is not simply sugary foods. Tooth decay is caused by oral bacteria that not only thrive on the foods that we eat (and forget to brush and floss...
What Common Medications are Doing to Your Oral Health
If you struggle with dry mouth, oral sores, or abnormal bleeding from your gums, it may indicate more than poor dental hygiene or gum disease, it could be a side effect of your medication. Over-the-counter drugs, such as aspirin, as well as prescription medications,...
How Rejuvagum Can Help Women Face Unique Gum Disease Concerns
Periodontal disease (also known as gum disease) is a pervasive condition that affects at least three out of every four adults in the United States. One of the main factors that contributes to this disease is poor dental hygiene, but did you know that certain people...
Dispelling Top Myths about Oral Health
It may be common knowledge that brushing and flossing your teeth on a daily basis is going to help prevent cavities and gum disease, but there are plenty of persistent myths that continue to make proper oral hygiene more confusing than it needs to be. At the CENTER...