Need Gum Surgery? Here’s Why RejuvaGum Lift Is the Right Choice

Based on cosmetic concerns alone, many people will hesitate before smiling if they have receding gums. However, loss of gum tissue can also negatively affect the health of your gums, teeth, and mouth as it often occurs as a result of bad brushing habits and any type of periodontal disease, such as gingivitis or periodontitis. Furthermore, if gum loss goes untreated, the root of your tooth could become exposed, which raises your risk of tooth decay or other oral health issues.

At The CENTER for Advanced Periodontal & Implant Therapy, founded and run by board-certified Los Angeles periodontists Dr. Alexandre-Amir Aalam and Dr. Alina Krivitsky, we are focused on the health of your teeth and gums because they are crucial for keeping your mouth healthy. If your gums are receding, and you’ve been told that you need surgery for gum recession but you’re not keen on invasive traditional surgery, you should consider a gum graft alternative, like RejuvaGum Lift (also called the French Gum Rejuvenation because it began in France).

Traditional Treatment for Gum Recession

Although you may be concerned about the aesthetic concerns of gum recession, Dr. Aalam and Dr. Krivitsky are concerned about the health of your mouth. Traditionally, when receding gums expose the root of your tooth, a gum graft has been the first choice for rebuilding your gumline. Soft tissue or donor tissue from within your mouth is grafted to the existing gum for effective results.

However, since the procedure involves incisions and sutures in other parts of your mouth, it can be uncomfortable and recovery can be difficult.

Avoid Invasive Surgery with RejuvaGum Lift

If you’re like many of our patients, you want to avoid invasive gum graft surgery, which makes the RejuvaGum Lift a popular alternative treatment for gum recession.

Even better for you, both Dr. Aalam and Dr. Krivitsky are part of a small group of periodontists in the U.S. who are trained, skilled, and experienced enough to perform this regenerative medical procedure in-office.

What is the PRF Gum Lift Procedure?

It’s important to realize that RejuvaGum Lift is a form of regeneration therapy. It sounds more complicated than it is, though, as the procedure uses an innovative technique that makes the whole procedure fairly simple.

If you’re a sports fan of any kind, you may have heard of a regenerative therapy called PRF (platelet rich fibrin) because it’s become a common method of helping athletes recover from orthopedic injuries. What you may not realize is that PRF technology has been used – to great effect – in dentistry for more than a decade.

The technology behind RejuvaGum Lift makes it an attractive treatment for gum recession because it helps take advantage of the body’s own powerful (and underappreciated) self-healing properties in order to generate gum tissue and improve gum recession. From a small sample of your blood, fibrin, and other human growth factors are processed and then grafted to your affected gums.

Learn more about platelet-rich plasma at

The Benefits of Regenerative Medicine in Dentistry

In using your body’s own healing properties, the RejuvaGum Lift is designed to improve gum recession as well as to improve your experience and outcome. The benefits compared to traditional procedures are easy to see:

Less invasive – Only a small portion of the patient’s blood is drawn in order to create the PRF material, which is then surgically placed in the area of recession, which makes the procedure much less invasive than a gum graft.

More efficient healing – Your self-healing properties are stimulated, therefore, there is less chance of improper healing, such as infection or other complications. Furthermore, your body is less likely to reject your own blood and its growth factors.

Shorter recovery time – Healing time is quicker, as well, because of the minimalist nature of the therapy.

Fewer potential side effects – The RejuvaGum Lift typically causes less pain and swelling than traditional gum graft procedures, which lowers your risk of infection or other complications.

Is This Cutting-edge Periodontal Treatment Right for You?

If you have receding gums and have been considering a treatment for gum recession in Los Angeles, yet have not pulled the trigger because you didn’t want to undergo surgery, now might be the time for you to reconsider.

This cutting-edge procedure is minimally invasive and results in virtually no downtime. Many patients like you are choosing this simple option for regenerating their gums and rejuvenating the appearance of their smiles. As technology and medical advances continue to evolve, painful or invasive treatments are being replaced with more efficient, less painful, and more effective options.

RejuvaGum Lift is one such innovative therapy that will improve the overall health of your teeth and mouth as well as the appearance of your teeth.

Break out that beautiful smile again!

Learn More about Revolutionary Periodontal Procedures from Los Angeles Periodontists Today

Don’t let receding gums ruin your oral health or your smile. At the CENTER for Advanced Periodontal & Implant Therapy, Los Angeles periodontists Dr. Aalam and Dr. Krivitsky are national leaders in performing the innovative and regenerative RejuvaGum Lift procedure. Contact our center today to schedule a consultation.

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