IV sedation dentistry and pain free dentistry In Los Angeles

IV sedation dentistry refers to a procedure in which Dr. Aalam administers sedative medication through the vein. Not only does sedation therapy help you enjoy a pain-free, relaxing dental experience, but it can also help the periodontist achieve optimal results in a shorter time.

Preparing for Treatment

Before administering treatment, Dr. Aalam will perform a health evaluation to ensure that you are a good candidate for this form of treatment. During the evaluation, the doctors may check your blood pressure and heart rate in addition to examining your teeth and gums. Be sure to inform Dr. Aalam about any drugs or supplements you are taking to prevent possible dangerous interactions with the sedative medication. Overall, the process is very safe and a great option for people with dental fear or anxiety.

Brentwood IV Sedation Periodontal CareUndergoing Therapy

IV sedation is a simple procedure for relieving pain and helping you relax during a dental or periodontal procedure. Dr. Aalam will administer treatment by inserting a tiny needle into your hand or inner elbow. Most patients experience only a slight pinching sensation when the needle is placed. Using the IV, Dr. Aalam can easily control the amount of medication you are receiving, thereby ensuring a painless and anxiety-free visit.

It’s important to remember that you will not be asleep during IV sedation therapy. While you will be completely comfortable and relaxed, you will still be able to breathe on your own and follow the doctors’ verbal cues. The next day, you will recall only vague details of your dental experience…but you will be thrilled with the appearance of your smile!


IV sedation therapy enables the doctor to achieve great periodontal results in less time. Because the sedative medicine enables patients to relax completely, the doctors need not stop the procedure at multiple points. Sedation is a great option for patients with strong gag reflexes or those who tend to get uncomfortable sitting for long periods.  Further, when you choose sedation, you can rest assured that Dr. Aalam can increase or reduce your medication at any time. The process gives doctors more control and helps ensure that your experience is as quick and painless as possible. Sedative medication has had great results for procedures such as gum surgery and more. For more information about IV sedation, check out our periodontology blog on the subject.

Learn more about sedation therapy from webMD.com.

Contact A Los Angeles Periodontist Today To Learn More!

Board-certified periodontists Dr. Alexandre Aalam and Dr. Alina Krivistky offer IV sedation and other innovative periodontal procedures using only the most state-of-the-art technologies. Schedule an appointment for Los Angeles periodontal services.

Next, read about mouth and body health.