Gum Disease Linked to Alzheimer’s
You know our Brentwood periodontal services can help prevent, diagnose and treat gum disease, but did you know that gum disease has been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s? Studies have long shown that poor oral health, dementia and Alzheimer’s are correlated. Now new research strengthening the link between gum disease and Alzheimer’s has renewed calls for the medical community to urge patients to be examined for signs of gum infection and disease. Periodontal experts such as Dr. Alexandre-Amir Aalam, DDS and Dr. Alina Krivitsky, DDS are here to help you keep your mouth and body healthy and free of disease!
Gum Disease Symptoms: Bleeding Gums and Receding Gums
Many people are unaware that they have gingivitis, a mild form of gum disease characterized by bleeding gums. Untreated gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, a severe form of gum disease that destroys the soft tissue and bone that support the teeth. Receding gums are also a common symptom of gum disease. If you suffer from these symptoms, visit Dr. Aalam and Dr. Krivitsky and ask them to examine your mouth for signs of gum disease.
The consequences of untreated gum disease go beyond the mouth: in one study by the University of Florida in collaboration with the University of Central Lancashire and The Blizzard Institute in the United Kingdom, gum disease-related bacteria were found in the brain samples of 4 of 10 Alzheimer’s patients. Meanwhile, no gum disease-related bacteria were found in the brain samples of 10 healthy patients.
Can Bacteria from the Mouth Enter the Brain?
The bacteria in your mouth can enter your bloodstream during everyday activities such as chewing, drinking, brushing and flossing. Researchers suspect this bacterium can make its way to your brain, possibly damaging your brain tissue. In fact, the University of Florida found that in mice suffering from severe periodontal disease, oral bacterium did move to the brain.
Preventing Gum Disease to Help Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s
Gum disease is often caused by poor oral hygiene. Good oral hygiene requires you to brush and floss your teeth regularly in order to remove the bacterial plaque that causes gingivitis and periodontitis. Furthermore, you should visit expert Brentwood periodontists Dr. Aalam and Dr. Krivitsky regularly to have your mouth and gums fully examined.
Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing for Gum Disease Patients
If you already have gum disease, your CENTER periodontist may suggest a root planing and periodontal scaling treatment to treat your gum disease. Periodontal scaling and root planing are non-surgical procedures that remove bacterial plaque and tartar from the mouth. These treatments can help protect your mouth from tooth loss, receding gums, and other symptoms of gum disease. Root planing and periodontal scaling may also improve the appearance of your smile and give you better breath, which can help improve your confidence in social situations.
Contact Us For a Los Angeles Root Planing and Periodontal Scaling Today
If you have bleeding gums, receding gums, mouth discomfort, bad breath, or any other signs of gum disease, call the CENTER for Advanced Periodontal & Implant Therapy to schedule a consultation with Los Angeles periodontal services specialists Dr. Aalam and Dr. Krivitsky! Call the Los Angeles root planing and periodontal scaling experts today at 310-826-8242!
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