Are Cheap Dental Implants In Mexico Really Safe?

Watch this video of a patient who came in with a perforated sinus lining due to an improper implant procedure in Mexico.

Considering a trip to Los Algodones or Tijuana to get cheap dental implants? Mexican dental tourism is extremely popular if you live in Los Angeles, Southern CA, or anywhere else along the US-Mexican border. Like other types of medical tourism, dental tourism is gaining popularity among people looking for specific treatments, such as full mouth implants or other dental surgery. But are Mexican dental offices or other dentists abroad safe to visit? Is the price you pay equal to the same quality dental work that you receive here in Los Angeles or other parts of the United States?

Dental Tourism for Dental Implant Procedures

There’s no doubt about it; You can get cheap dental treatment and inexpensive dental implants by driving across the border to a Mexican dentistry practice. You might see similar low prices in various areas of Europe, offering medical and dental tourism packages involving airfare, hotels, food, and even someone to drive you to and from your appointment. But like other medical tourism risks, getting teeth implants out of the country could come at an extra cost. And not just a financial one. Dental tourism puts your smile in the hands of dentist offices with different standards, regulations, and types of dental treatments that may be performed. 

For example, maybe you can find cheaper dental implant brands by visiting a dentist in Mexico or Europe. But those types of tooth implant restorations are not the same as what is used elsewhere. If they need follow-up care or retreatment, an American dentist may not be able to identify any compatible pieces. The Mexico cost winds up being more because you have to re-do the implant surgery or fly back to Mexico for additional treatment. 

The Hidden Costs of Getting Implants Outside the U.S.

Once you cross the border, some things are cheaper for a reason, and all dental implant cost reductions come from somewhere. Often costs are cut based on how the procedure is performed, the quality of materials and equipment used, skipping critical surgery steps, and the lack of insurance and safety regulations to ensure your treatment goes as planned without complication, implant failure, or infection once you get home.

The reality is implants do fail and can get infected for a variety of reasons, and when they do, you want to be able to see a dentist near you that has warrantied their work and will be there to help you at a moment’s notice.

Of course, traveling back to the country, you had the work done can get very expensive and downright dangerous to your health. The cost of travel, time off work, and having medical issues in a place far from home outweighs any initial savings you may have got in the first place.

Even if you don’t go back to another country to have your dental implants fixed, you will need to find a local dentist to help you and pay for that treatment eliminating any cost-saving you may have had initially.

There is No Warranty and No Refunds

If you get subpar dental implant work done in Mexico or most countries outside the U.S., there is no way to get your money back. However, you can file a complaint with the dental board and leave a review to inform others of your poor experience to recoup your investment in the states.

There are very few safeguards for consumers in Mexico, and you can be left with no recourse to obtain a refund or reimbursement for your initial investment or any money required to travel back to the office.

Visiting an Out-of-Country Dental Clinic

One of the most troubling concerns about dental tourism is the lack of follow-up care. An overseas or dental clinic across the border isn’t someplace you can easily visit if you experience complications. What if there is an infection? What if the dental implant needs to be fixed? Are the medications that they give you safe to take? Getting dental implants in Mexico is a gamble because there is no way of knowing it will be 100% successful. 

And that’s not even mentioning if there is a life-threatening emergency or complication that occurs when you’re out of the country for dental care. American and Los Angeles implant dentists are licensed to provide life support and emergency services. But a dental office in Mexico may not have access to the same life-saving drugs or equipment if there is a complication during your anesthesia or dental implant surgery. Although rare, severe brain damage or death could occur, especially in the hands of an unlicensed, unskilled dentist. 

Who is Placing Your Dental Implants?

When you’re visiting an overseas or Mexico dental clinic, there is no way of knowing who the dentist is that’s performing your surgery. They may have even been trained in the United States but had their license revoked because of malpractice or fraud, then gone to Mexico to open up a dental implant office just across the border. They could say that they are trained the same way as American dentists, but truth be told, they do not have to answer to the American Dental Association, FDA, or abide by the same safety regulations as dentists here in Los Angeles. 

There have even been instances of people claiming to be dentists to place dental implants in Mexico, who turned out not to be dentists at all. You would never want to put your safety in the hands of someone administering sedative drugs, performing invasive oral surgeries, or altering the anatomy of your mouth without being truly confident in the credentials behind their name. 

Best Low-Cost Dental Implants in Southern CA

A dental implant procedure offers one of the best returns on investment when you have missing teeth. But if you get dental implants in Mexico, there’s no way of knowing the back story of the dental clinics performing your care. Instead, the safest and most cost-effective option is to get your full mouth dental implants in America, either with a private dentist or at a dental school. Even if you do not have dental insurance, the dental implants cost here will usually be a one-time investment that you can budget on a month-to-month basis. Your safety and the success of your dental procedures are worth the peace of mind. Both for yourself and your family. The risk to your safety and the potentially life-threatening complications of not working with a licensed dentist just isn’t worth it. 

Los Angeles Dental Services

The Center for Advanced Periodontal & Implant Therapy offers safe, high-quality dental implants in Southern CA. Our licensed dentists can assure you that your safety will not be compromised just for the sake of saving money or time. Nor will we use low-budget, cheap single tooth implant materials that could increase your risk of dental implant failure. Our dental patients have access to flexible financing options that save them money and provide healthy teeth for life. 

Don’t get dental implants in Mexico. Learn what affordable dental implant procedures are available here, with a trusted dental clinic and team of specialists. Call today for a no-obligation evaluation. 


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