Top 8 Ways You’re Causing Your Gums to Recede

One of the most visible signs of poor dental hygiene, trauma, or periodontal disease is a receding gum line. While many people want to correct their uneven, unattractive gum lines for cosmetic reasons, gum recession is a sign that your smile is at risk for serious, irreversible damage if left untreated. Unfortunately, most people are not aware that certain daily habits, such as tooth brushing, may actually be contributing to gum loss.

If you are concerned about the health and appearance of your gums, please schedule an appointment today with the board-certified periodontists at the CENTER for Advanced Periodontal & Implant Therapy. It’s never too late to protect and rejuvenate your smile!

What is Gum Recession?

Gum recession occurs when gum tissue wears away from the teeth, exposing its sensitive parts and creating hard-to-reach pockets between the teeth and gums where bacteria can grow: because the process of receding is gradual, people often don’t notice it until it has advanced significantly. Therefore, it is crucial to schedule regular dental and periodontal visits to prevent gum recession from starting or worsening if it has already begun. Periodontal scaling and root planing can help keep the gum line clean.

What are the Signs of Receding Gums?

As a progressive condition, gum recession is typically not noticeable until the gums have worn away to the point that the gum line becomes uneven or teeth appear longer than usual. Other signs include:

  • Hypersensitive teeth
  • Loose, mobile teeth
  • Exposed roots of the tooth
  • Two different colors on the tooth
  • Gum bleeding when brushing or flossing
  • Swollen, red gums
  • Visible gaps between the teeth

For an accurate assessment of these signs, it is crucial to see a periodontal specialist. In some cases, more immediate treatment may be necessary.

How You Might Actually Be Causing Your Gums to Recede

Understanding what causes gums to recede can help you to prevent your own gums from doing the same. Here are eight common causes of receding gums:

Brushing Too Hard

While you may feel like you’re getting your teeth extra clean by brushing diligently and aggressively, forceful tooth brushing can actually be damaging to the tooth enamel and gum tissue. Scrubbing away at your teeth every day can cause the teeth and gums to wear down, resulting in receding gums. 

Using a Hard-Bristled Toothbrush

Much like brushing too hard, many people mistakenly believe that using a toothbrush with hard bristles will be more effective at cleaning their teeth and removing plaque and bacteria. Unfortunately, these kinds of bristles are not as effective at cleaning the spaces between teeth and can actually damage the teeth and gums, especially when brushing too hard, causing your gums to recede.

Not Brushing Thoroughly

There’s a reason why dental experts unanimously advise brushing and flossing two to three times a day, as doing so removes any bacteria, food debris, and plaque, especially in those hard-to-reach areas. Neglecting to do so has dangerous consequences, as poor dental hygiene can lead to not only gum recession but other dental issues like gingivitis and gum disease, as well as broader health concerns such as heart disease and diabetes. 

Grinding or Clenching Teeth

Also known as bruxism, clenching or grinding the teeth on a daily or nightly basis can weaken not only the tooth enamel, but cause the teeth to become loose in the gum tissue, creating pockets where bacteria can thrive. Bruxism is one of the most common causes of gum recession and can be treated with a variety of methods, such as a mouth guard, massages, avoiding caffeine, therapy, or even Botox. 

Tobacco Product Use

Regular use of tobacco products can be a detriment to your oral health, especially regarding your gum line receding. The nicotine and tar in tobacco can stick to the teeth, creating a perfect environment for bacteria to grow and eat away at your gums. Additionally, tobacco use decreases the production of saliva, which helps to keep your gums healthy. A lack of saliva increases your chances of gum recession and gum disease. 


Lip and mouth piercings can also contribute to the wearing away of gum tissue and therefore receding gums, as the metal of the piercing can rub against the gums through normal activity such as speaking or chewing. They can also interfere with normal oral hygiene practices if care is not taken to brush and floss with them in mind, leading to an increase in plaque and bacteria inside the mouth. 

Poorly Fitted Dental Restorations

Dental restorations such as crowns, bridges, and dentures that are not properly fitted to your mouth can put unwanted pressure on the gum tissue. They can also irritate the surrounding gums and cause inflammation. Over time, if these issues aren’t addressed, they will contribute to the receding of your gums.

Gum Disease

Almost half of all adults in the US suffer from some form of gum disease. The condition begins as gingivitis and can slowly progress to periodontitis if it is left untreated. What happens is that bacteria within the mouth gradually destroy gum and bone tissue, separating the gums from the teeth. This allows for the bacteria to reach the connective tissue and bone that holds teeth in place and wear it down. It is vital to seek a specialist as soon as possible at the earliest signs of gingivitis or gum recession to prevent this from happening. 

Treating Gum Recession with RejuvaGum Lift

If you are experiencing any form of gum recession, it’s essential to seek help ASAP. The CENTER for Advanced Periodontal & Implant Therapy is proud to provide RejuvaGum Lift, the most cutting-edge treatment available for gum recession. The treatment is simple yet highly effective. RejuvaGum Lift involves taking only a small sample of a patient’s blood and placing it in a centrifuge to separate out the platelets, plasma, and white blood cells to create an Advanced-Platelet Rich Fibrin that will help support the healing process. The Fibrin is surgically placed in the gums to trigger tissue regeneration for a healthy, even gum line in a matter of months.

Take Action Today

If you are suffering from receding gums or other signs of gum disease, do not wait to schedule a thorough screening and treatment at the CENTER for Advanced Periodontal and Implant Therapy in LA. Dr. Aalam and Dr. Krivitsky have extensive training and experience helping patients achieve stronger, healthier gums

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